
Here are some sites we wanted to share with you. Make sure to scroll down to the Fun Florida Keys Info section for some great visuals and other info on Key Largo and the Florida Keys. When you click on a link, a new window will pop up. Close the window when you are ready to return to this page.

Finance and Investing

Islamorada Investment Management
Unique value investing firm and Spoke Fund innovator

Motley Fool
The Official Website of the Long-Term Investor

Dave Ramsey
Radio host and best selling author, the Financial Peace guy

Account 417
Helping people find True Riches

Compass Financial Minstries
Good advice from the Good Book!


Where’s My Refund?
Track your tax return through the IRS website

Amended Federal Return
Click this link to track your amended federal return.

Charity Lookup Tool
Verify organizations eligible to receive tax-deductible charitable contributions

The Internal Revenue Service
Home of the IRS on the Web. The IRS has definitely done a nice job on their Website

Florida Department of Revenue
Florida Department of Revenue

Presidential Tax Returns
Presidential Tax Returns from the Tax History Project

Enrolled Agents are America’s Tax Experts
We can help you with your tax issues, but if you believe in shopping local, this is the place to start.


Investing information and investing news

Fox News Channel
Breaking news from the US and around the world

Florida Keys News
Daily news from the Florida Keys and Key West

Wall Street Journal
Complete financial news service offers personalized news and market quotes. Plus, links to Barron’s Online and Smart Money Interactive


The official US Government site for medicare

Social Security
The Official Website of the U.S. Social Security Administration

U.S. Small Business Administration
Small business programs and services to help you start, grow, and succeed

US Debt clock
A real-time snapshot of the country’s balance sheet

State of Florida
The official portal of the great state of Florida

Monroe County
The southernmost county in the United States

Polk County
The official Polk County, Florida, website.

Fun Florida Keys Info
The official visitor information site of Key Largo and the rest of the Florida Keys – where to stay, what to do and alll that other stuff

Florida Keys 360
Amazing interactive visuals of the Florida Keys and Key West in 360 degrees

Stephen Frink Photographic
Stunning images from one of the worlds most frequently published underwater photographers, based here in Key Largo

John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park
America’s first undersea park, right here in Key Largo

Florida Keys Wild Bird Center
This place really is for the birds

Jules Undersea Lodge
Have you slept underwater lately?

Other sites we like

Randy Wayne White
Creator of the Doc Ford series and other great works of Florida-based fiction

Florida State Parks
From swimming and diving in Florida’s rivers and streams to birding and fishing or hiking and riding on natural scenic trails, Florida’s State Parks offer year-round outdoor activities for all ages

Florida Bicycle Association
Inspiring and supporting people and communities to enjoy greater freedom and well-being through bicycling

Southeastern Guide Dogs
Great people and great dogs doing great work – make sure to check out the puppy cam